How to Prepare for Your First Brazilian Wax

Getting, or thinking about getting, a Brazilian wax for the first time ever can be intimidating. It’s common, and the main reason is that we don’t really know what to expect. What is the procedure like? Do I have to do anything specific? What if I’m embarrassed? Not to worry, here are some tips for you so that you can feel more comfortable walking into your first-ever Brazilian wax appointment.

  1. Let the hair grow

    It is important to have long enough hair for the wax to grip the hair. That is, don’t shave before your appointment. Rather, aim for a hair length of about 1/4 - 1/2” (about the length of a grain of rice) - the sweet spot as far as hair length is concerned for the waxing to result in perfectly hairless skin.

  2. Clean Hygiene

    It’s a good idea to exfoliate and clean down there before your appointment. Shower and rinse before your appointment. It’s a good hygiene practice.

  3. Wait until you are not on your period

    Although waxing during your period can be done, it’s better, especially when getting a Brazilian wax, to wait until your period is over. It is better for sanitation purposes and can be less painful (you can feel more sensitive during a period).

  4. Relax

    Often the anticipation is worse than the actual thing. Looking forward to a professional, smooth experience goes a long way for relaxing the mind.

  5. Breathe

    When at the waxing appointment, well, and in general, too, it’s good to breathe. Take a few deep breaths to relax your muscles.

  6. Ask questions

    When you arrive at your appointment, voice your concerns and ask questions. We are here to listen, help, and provide the best possible waxing experience.

  7. Go to a professional

    Last but not least. Go to a professional for a Brazilian wax. Like us! We work fast and efficiently, minimizing discomfort and getting you amazing results and smooth skin!

Final thoughts

Know that the waxing procedure will be over before you know it. Also, know that it gets better. When getting your Brazilian Wax for the first time, you don’t know what to expect.


skye martin